Monday, June 21, 2010

Get your Jacob fix

Erin emailed me this picture while I was at work last week. Jacob has learned to stand up in his crib, but he doesn't know how to sit back down. So, he cries until we rescue him. His joy at our entrance is self-explanatory.

Jacob has many "firsts" to report: crawling, holding his own bottle while feeding, teething (two and counting), new noises, and a large expansion of the menu. He continues to express his happy personality with coughs, growls, grunts, hisses, squeals, and other consonant sounds.

Jacob and Erin spent a week in Texas visiting family. Jacob loved spending time with his cousins. They did everything together, including bath time ...

We went swimming as a family at the end of May. Jacob loved splashing around until he wore himself out and slept the rest of the time. Erin and Jacob have season passes to the water park and Jacob is using his newly discovered pointing finger to point at people, floats and especially birds whenever they go.

Tonight as we were eating dinner we were listening to music and Jacob started moving to "Single Ladies" by Beyonce. He apparently really liked the song.


Tara said...

Our kids can be friends. Lily likes to sing Single Ladies :).

Daisy Chick said...

It is a great song to dance least two of my kids love dancing to that song. THanks for the Jacob fix...he is so super cute. It was fun being able to see you guys on Sunday. Love you.

Shaunanana said...

Erin- LOVE the first pic of Jacob (they're all cute). Nice to hear how things are going. We miss you!


Linde said...

That is so funny about him not being able to sit back down in the crib!! :)

Alisa said...

What a cutie.

Warrior Princesa said...

he is so cute!!! how are you guys doing?

Breanne Grover said...

Thanks for this "fix" because I've needed one. I can't believe how big he is getting. I need to see you guys more often!