Saturday, October 25, 2008


We had our annual family Halloween dinner last night. Our spooky foods this year included:
Wormy skeleton brains and zombie eyeballs to keep an eye on our hooligan guests.

Witch Fingers (delicious right down to the crispy fingernails).

Spider Soup eaten out of Pumpkin Soup Bowls (quite the delicacy among ghouls these days).

Iris of Troll. You can only get these specially extracted from the eyeballs of trolls in Northern Iceland. There is no expense too great for our spooky fun. Thanks Camille and Mike. And you are probably wondering what we did with these eyeball guts? We did this:

We drank those irises, of course. That is an iris stuck in the incredibly fat straw Camille and Mike brought for our eyeball drinking pleasure
.Dan got so choked up over those irises or maybe he was just choking.

Speaking of Dan, this picture makes me think of him. No, it's not because I think he's a stinking bowl of pumpkin guts. Really it's because of last night when I was carving out my pumpkin soup bowl and I had to walk away for a minute. When I returned I couldn't believe how many guts that little pumpkin had. I worked away until it was almost clean but I had to leave again. When I got back there where even more guts in my bowl. Every time I left the room Dan kept dumping hte pumpkin guts from his pumpkin into my bowl. It was pretty funny. He better watch out. I won't be on such good behavior when he's part of the family and retaliatory pumpkin guts will be the least of his worries.

A few more spooky shots:

Whose head was this? No one really knows but since we are no respecter of persons, we made our little grinning skeleton friend feel right at home.

I found a spider in my soup! Ahhhhh!

How does he do with his eyeballs?

There were lots of spooky things going on last night. But we were all terrified by this:
This apparition took us all by surprise and we fled in terror.

Whew. It's just Camille.

And Mike.

Brooke requested the ugly ones since she and Tyler had to miss the festivities this year. We put Brooke on speakerphone so she didn't feel left out. There are for you Brooke (well, some of these aren't ugly, just funny):
That's it for our super creepy fun.


Wakefield Family said...

Looks too much fun. What great idea's

Linde said...

That looked so fun!! What a great tradition!!

Brooke said...

You guys looked like you had a great time. All of the food turned out amazing. Wish I were there.

Rob & Shauna said...

ginny's favorite picture was the one with erin's spider in her soup. Audrey loved the one with camille doing "this" (said as she pulled her head back and made big eyes). My favorite part was Thomas' never ending pumpkin guts! Kudos Dan! Good times for sure!

Heidi said...

That is awesome! It looks so fun! You guys are VERY festive!

Brenna said...

Hello Thomas and Erin! I just stumbled across your blog and spent some time reading. I've seen Amelia a few times down at UVRMC and she gave me a small update on you. Your Halloween party looked amazing...right down to that nasty iris drink!

ANDREA said...

you guys are so creative!! that looks fun and some of it looks really gross- like those witch fingers- they do look like gross fingers. sick.

Joy Hollingshaus said...

I want to come to your parties!!

Thomas said...

Thanks for all the comments. It's good to hear from you guys.

tiffromney said...

What's up Grover's? I got your blog address from Erin and thought I'd check it out. That is a way cool party! You do that every year? wow! And were those eyeball things really boba drinks? Boba is good stuff! You guys are awesome.