Standing in front of North Point Lighthouse, Milwaukee's first lighthouse.

This place is full of cool architecture. Look at this home!

Brooke, Katelyn and I in front of dirty Lake Michigan water. A little while later I chased crowds of seagulls to make Katelyn laugh. I'm pretty good at that.

Even the water pump house was gorgeous. This is Victorian architecture at its best.

On a stone bridge. I didn't have high expectations for Wisconsin. But it really has been a beautiful place to visit and enjoy. There are so many charming little houses and buildings. We have had a pretty lazy day today. We woke up and hung around this morning. Brooke and I made hairbows (her budding business) while Thomas worked. After lunch and Katelyn's nap we went out to some of these places. Then we picked up Tyler and ate at Kopp's. The hamburgers were three times the size of normal hamburgers but other than that were unexceptional. The custard though. We loved the custard and are going to go back about five more times before we leave on Wednesday. Katelyn loved it too. She was pushing Brooke out of the way to get more of it. We are having a great time here. Thanks Brooke and Tyler!
Looks like you are having fun, and in a beautiful place. Enjoy your time there we love you guys.
Looks like you guys had a lot of fun back there. Glad you got to go!
My mom says thanks for taking the suits back to Michael.
Love it You guys look like you are having so much fun:) Hey we miss ya and Porter missed his friends on Sunday
Have fun see ya soon.
Architecture-smarchitecture... WHAT ABOUT THE CHEESE?!?!
We really enjoyed your visit. Ryan kept asking when you were coming back. Next time, we'd love to have you stay longer. I loved the pictures from Wisconsin. Who knew it had so many beautiful buildings! The Wisconsin state tourism board should do more to promote that and less to promote the cheese!
Hi thomas and erin!!! how are you?! erin you wouldn't believe it but I saw one of your sisters in the temple in oregon a couple of months ago. i just kept looking at her and thinking that she looks like a bastian, and she was!!! small world! wisconsin looks amazing! hope you are both well.
Wow, looks like you guys had a great trip! I'm so glad you got to go spend time up there! Can't wait to see you down in our neck of the woods!
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